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Oct. 25, 2021

38: Patrick Robinette - How to Become a Price Maker

38: Patrick Robinette - How to Become a Price Maker

Patrick Robinette didn't grow up on a farm but when he had the opportunity to move back to his in-laws family farm in North Carolina he took the opportunity. They immediately began the transition from conventional crop farm, to conventional beef producer, to a grass-finished beef producer. Today he and his family business produce, process and market grass finished beef all over the country! Listen in to learn how he did it and the many tips he shares for any producers looking to do the same!

Resources Mentioned:

Sand County Almanac

Man Must Measure

As always, check us out at Herd Quitter Podcast on Facebook and Instagram as well as at herdquitterpodcast.com. You can also check out Pharocattle.com for more information on how to put more fun and profit back into your ranching business!