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Sept. 19, 2022

85: Bobby Thoman - Grass Finished PCC 4H Show Steers

85: Bobby Thoman - Grass Finished PCC 4H Show Steers

Bobby Thoman was first on the Herd Quitter Podcast back on Episode 16, check that out to hear about his ranch history and context. But today we discuss some of the philosophy around profitable ranching and then we get into a discussion around 4H show steers. Bobby and his kids raise 4H show steers right out of their PCC cooperator herd and develop them on grass and hay, NO GRAIN! And while they may not be grand champion steers, they are consistently middle of the pack competitors! This is pretty incredible considering what some people invest into their show animals to win, meanwhile his kids learn about what it means to raise profitable livestock in addition to the many benefits that come with working with livestock.

As always, check us out at Herd Quitter Podcast on Facebook and Instagram as well as at herdquitterpodcast.com. You can also check out Pharocattle.com for more information on how to put more fun and profit back into your ranching business!