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Oct. 31, 2022

91: Rob Pierce - Finding Ranch Success

91: Rob Pierce - Finding Ranch Success

Rob Pierce quit ranching in 2008 and after a member of his church signed him up for Kit Pharo's PCC Updates and Newsletters he found hope that there might be potential to be profitable in ranching. And so after a 4 year break from ranching he jumped back in with corriente crossed with PCC Red Angus bulls. He has since developed a heat tolerant breeding program which we will discuss in more depth in part two of this conversation next week. But we discuss this week how he managed to grow to over 500 cows and run cows at the same stocking rate while going from 4-5 bales per cow per year to less the half a bale! Rob also shares his journey to salvation, having not grown up knowing the Lord but finding him as an adult and the difference that made in his life.

Resources Mentioned:

PCC Discussion Group


As always, check us out at Herd Quitter Podcast on Facebook and Instagram as well as at herdquitterpodcast.com. You can also check out Pharocattle.com for more information on how to put more fun and profit back into your ranching business!