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Dec. 19, 2022

98: Joe Tomandl - Scaling Regenerative Dairies

98: Joe Tomandl - Scaling Regenerative Dairies

Many dairy farms when considering the opportunities to expand a dairy choose to build larger building and grow more feed to bring to the cows, and scale up on one site through infrastructure and technology. Joe Tomandl looked at the opportunity to expand his dairy farm in a  little bit different way. He loved the value that grazing brought to his dairy in soil and ecological benefits, as well as the financial advantages of an animal harvesting their own feed through grazing and he recognized that scaling up on a single site would reduce his ability to graze. So he has scaled through replication of grazing dairy farms in close proximity. Listen to this weeks episode to learn how he did it, the advantages of this model and much more!

Many dairy farms when considering the opportunities to expand a dairy choose to build larger buildings and grow more feed to bring to the cows, and com for more information on how to put more fun and profit back into your ranching business!